At 5, I hoped for a robot for Christmas. Instead, influenced by my sister, my parents surprised me with a toy organ. Recognizing my connection with the instrument, they soon upgraded me to a used two-tiered organ and enrolled me in classes at a Yamaha store. There, I relied on my ear, letting my teachers believe I could read music. Throughout my teens, my sister and I delved into 'Música Popular Brasileira' (MPB) for hours on end during weekends. Jealous of the portability of her guitar, I picked it up. In my late teens I joined bands like Ravinne and Spiral Architect, performing at festivals and recording singles. Nowadays, I gravitate towards contemporary artists like Philip Glass and late classical / romantic period composers, particularly Schubert and Chopin. I force myself to read sheet music, akin to adult alphabetization. Given the demands of my consulting practice, I'm strategizing to integrate more music into upcoming projects. I'm afraid of getting rusty.