
“I insist that the categories we use to classify different types of thinking are far more fluid than conventional, rigid labels such as artist or entrepreneur suggest. Creativity is not separate from other forms of thinking but runs alongside, into, and out of them.”

Flav was born in what is now known as São Paulo, Brazil, originally part of the Indigenous lands of the Tupi, Guarani, and Kaingangin people. He developed an early passion for writing, music, and visual art. After completing his studies in social communications in São Paulo, Flav began his career at Small World, his first H1B sponsor, after moving from São Paulo to New York City; there he produced large-scale online games for international markets. After serving as an Art-then-Creative Director at Lumina Americas, a multicultural agency with clients such as Kraft, US Air Force, and Kmart, he co-founded the digital product studio 10012 in 2003. This venture was initiated to attain creative and operational independence, and, crucially, to secure administrative autonomy through the facilitation of his H1B visa sponsorship, thus eliminating the need to rely on other sponsors.

Under 10012, his team executed digital campaigns for Nike, introduced Chase Bank to Spanish-speaking markets, developed games for Bravo TV, HBO, and Showtime, and served as a standalone digital satellite for partners across various industries. During a 14-year collaboration with AARP, Flav and his team constructed the world's largest civil rights story archive, earning them a Webby and an O1 Visa for extraordinary ability in the arts. This O1 Visa subsequently paved the way for an EB1 Visa for permanent residency.

In 2011, Flav established a joint venture with a consulting group based in New York to broaden its capabilities and meet the innovation needs of clients, including IBM, Vanguard, Humana, Vertex, Gilead, and BlueCross BlueShield. In addition to consulting for Fortune 500 organizations, Flav spearheaded other ventures incubated by the same joint venture. One such venture was Rangri, a food delivery platform launched in partnership with UNICEF that used game-like features to help alleviate community hunger-related issues. Another was GoodLife Media™, a precision-communication solution Flav co-founded to empower individuals to prevent and manage chronic conditions through whole-person data. He remains a partner in this business.

Flav aims to critique systems of oppression and corporate misconduct, particularly those affecting marginalized groups, which he regards as a modern form of colonialism.

Starting in 2020, Flav experienced intense work burnout, prompting a sabbatical from August 2022 through May 2023. This time of research and introspection led to an emerging commitment to 'aliveness,' a response to the limitations of Taylorism, solutionism, and universalism. In his business, Flav focuses on inclusive innovation that centers intersectionality and confronts 'innovation theater'—initiatives that uphold neo-colonial power structures rather than tackling the complex issues of our time. His commitment, informed by the need for a post-Anthropocene approach, includes amplifying voices from society's margins and recognizing entities like rivers, trees, and animals in his innovation strategies. Returning from his sabbatical, he marked the 20th anniversary of his consulting practice, 10012, and transitioned to operating as MASSON. This comeback is centered around fostering a life-centered economy, aligning his work with his renewed vision and values.

His body of work involves merging his identities as consultant and artist into one, using time as the medium.

Flav lives in Brooklyn.

Corporate Clients
b. 1975
Cigna Healthcare chooses MASSON for its 14-month Protégé Program
Masson.nyc 20th anniversary of MASSON consulting practice 🔗
Storytell.ai Innovation Advisor
Sabbatical & Recovery
Gilead & Black Health HIV education to Black communities
IBM Cultural content adaptation in 9 languages across 23 regions
Rangri Ceased ops of my hunger-fighting food delivery platform
2021 - 2020
Humana Pilot program to increase star scores in line with VBC 🔗
Vertex Prototype for 360º view of businesses' compliance posture
Carefirst EAPs reinvention targeting prevention
2020 - 2018
Milo Aging-in-place platform inc. marketing and logistics backend
Vanguard Investment platform with ESG-alignment
2017 - 2012
Oprah Platform for digital engagement beyond physical events
Life Reimagined Embedded innovation team for AARP's startup 🔗
Rangri Founded hunger-fighting food delivery platform with Unicef
McClennan Masson Began joint-venture with the McClennan Group
2012 - 2004
AARP Embedded digital team for innovation projects
Pandiscio Embedded web team for global real estate marketing
Livability Index platform & algorithm for scoring all US cities 🔗
BravoTV Project Runway online game engine
Kraft Launch of bilingual ComidaKraft platform
HBO Embedded gaming team for promo of streaming content
Showtime Embedded gaming team for promo of streaming content
10012 Founded NYC-based creative studio
2001 - 2003
Lumina Americas Head of Digital Innovation for multicultural agency
1999 - 2001
Small World Design for global fantasy game platform
Moved to New York
Education & Certs
MIT Professional Education Applied Data Science Program
ICP's Lighting Level I The Essentials Certificate
School of Visual Arts' Audio Production for Film Certificate
School of Visual Arts' Autodesk 3ds Max Level I Certificate
1992 - 1996
ESPM Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing BA Social Comm.
1982 - 1987
Organ & Classical Piano classes
Top 20 Brazilian Innovators Galileu Magazine
Webby Awards Event Category Winner / Activisim Cat Runner-up
Vale do Pinhão's Pitch Live Finalist 🔗
CatracaLivre Quem Inova Feature 🔗
ADDY Awards Interactive Category
IDSA's Design Strategy Award
CNBC & NYTimes Americas Property Awards
W3 Awards by The International Academy of Visual Arts
Davey Awards Silver Award Winner
Communicator Awards Best Website
APEX awards Award of Excellence
Latino Marketing Awards Best Latin Marketing Campaign
Books & Talks
Co-author at Innovators Anonymous 🔗
TedTalk Making profit and an impact 🔗
SJU Fighting to Address Inequality In The Wake of The Pandemic 🔗
Aging 2.0 Seven Steps To Get Your Digital Product Off The Ground
Scroll.in The Crisis in Brazil 🔗
Press Clippings
Reset Spotlight Brazil: When Ordering in Helps Feed the Poor 🔗
Bem Paraná Rangri launched in Brazil 🔗
Clube da Alice Delivery Rangri.com.br 🔗
Portuguese Native
German Sprachdiplom I und II